
She has a certain presence about her. It’s hard to explain– you’ll usually see her alone in a crowd and it’ll makes you curious. Once you approach her though, she’ll give you a smile and you can tell she’s a little akward, kinda shy, but open and friendly as well. Something about the way she carries herself makes you feel comfortable to be yourself. Your first impression would probably make you think she’s this bubbly, carefree soul. She’s very good at adapting to her surroundings– but if you take another glance, you’ll notice something more.
It’s subtle, you won’t find it if you aren’t really looking. If you’re lucky, you might catch a glimpse of who she really is. Maybe in something she’ll say in passing or when you make eye contact with her. She’s been hurt many times, encountered hardships and a lot of unnecessary negativity in her life. She has a past, a chapter in her life she doesn’t speak about. She overcame all of it and wears a smile on her face. She will talk and joke and befriend you, but you’ll never really know who she is beneath the surface unless she chooses to show it.
More often than not, she won’t

Perspective of me from someone else’s POV

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