This is how your life slowly fades to grey. You drive to school or work in the morning when it’s still dark, not paying attention to the sun that creeps onto the horizon, touching the sky with its soft fingertips, turning it from pink to blue because you’re too worried about what this day will bring. There’s this girl that asks you a million questions and you wonder why she can’t give you some space. But you refuse to see that she doesn’t leave your side because she admires you and wishes she was a bit more like you. There’s the boy that holds the door open for you and picks up the pen you dropped but you only roll his eyes at him, not in the mood for anyone’s company. There are nagging doubts scratching your mind’s surface, voices screaming inside your head and you hear them, ignoring the gentle words from people around you. From your friends. From your family. You brush off your best friend’s advice, knowing she’s been here all your life so why could she be gone tomorrow? Truth is: everything we know and everything we take for granted could be gone within the blink of an eye. Everything we saw today can be different by tomorrow. Erased, vanished, like it was never there in the first place, or it could’ve left footprints, scattered remains to remind us of what we have lost. So darling, if I can give you some advice: please don’t take anything for granted, ever. Don’t stop being grateful. And don’t, please don’t stop seeing and appreciating the different shades and colours that make our life what it is, the midnight blue of sadness, the fiery red of love, the deep green of hope and the bright yellow of happines
Το άρθρο αυτό είναι πνευματική ιδιοκτησία του blog “Άρωμα Έρωτα” . Απαγορεύεται η αντιγραφή, η δημοσίευση, η αναπαραγωγή ή η μετάδοση του, από οποιονδήποτε και με οποιοδήποτε μέσο χωρίς την αναγραφή της πηγής. Copyright Άρωμα Έρωτα® All rights reserved
Άρωμα Έρωτα 2017