
The years go by quickly
The time on the watch stopping for no one so take it easy
Not one moment can come back
How amazing is that!
Sweet, beautiful, sad and happy
All bundled and now past history
They are now all memories
So hope you did things that will make you proud of you when you reflect back on those happenings
If fear was your best friend it is now past dear
You have a chance again, infact another whole year
Live the new one with all your 5 senses and all will be clear
Know that everyday you wake up things are already in the past dear
Sweet moments are to be cherished and remembered
Sad moments are to be learnt from and not held onto forever
Everytime you or another reached out and made a difference it all got recorded
So know things change and never stay the same year after year or forever
Every year is more exciting than the last
Nothing stays the same and its now all in the past
Days evolve over and over again
Choose to make a change and allow everyday to be a surprise my friend
You move forward and not backward
Your growing older and life gets more beautiful than ever
Your thinking changes to a more positive outlook
Infact you start to wind down and begin to cling to a healthier attititude
Nothing gets stuck unless you decide to keep it relevant
I know as I’m not mouthing anything that I’ve not experienced
If I’m happy or sad it is what I choose to indulge in
So for now simply be thankful for the lessons the past year has given

Αυτό ήταν για φέτος παιδιά!
Καλες διακοπές, γιορτές-πιστεύεουμε ή όχι, το κλίμα είναι αυτό που λέμε cozy και οικογενειακό, οπότε ας το χαρούμε-και καλη χρονια πάντα με άρωμα έρωτα!

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