
The irony is that, if you ever feel alone despite being in the company of others and despite the fact that the planet is crammed full of people – you’re not alone. I have spent a large part of my life living in fear. Fear of being broke, fear of rejection/of being alone and fear of failure have been constant companions for the most part. It has consumed me at times: Should I make this decision or that one to avoid my fears coming true? Should I act this way or that way to secure a loving relationship? If I choose that will I end up happier in the long term? The problem with this is that we spend a large amount of time worrying about  “what ifs” and many of my theories on the best course of action have not always been correct, especially when it comes to second guessing how someone else will react.
And now, you came out of the blue. I don't know if I am capable of feeling, anymore. I think I hate you. You know, you made feel again and the first emotion that came back was pain.
Oh my... I look into your eyes... I am lost in colorful wanderlust. I can't forget them. You are so damn perfect. Perfectly broken.
I am not gonna lie. I was searching for someone like you. Someone whose demons would play well with mine. Besides, you never fooled me. You don't want to play with my mind. You want to explore it. You have no idea, trust me-none-, how much I want stay high and steal all of your pain away.
May I have the permission to explore, sir?
*Yes, yes, yes*

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